Friday, December 18, 2009

Our Wonderful Ben (TT03-3)

What a joy our little Ben is! I had him at the vet yesterday for his booster and he just flopped on her lap and snuggled with her. She recommended I get him into PALS, which is the association that visits hospitals and nursing homes with dogs as she said he was such a wonderful natured, happy puppy. She took him away for 10 mins to visit everyone in the back of the clinic and wanted first dibs on dog sitting if we go away!!! He and Jake are getting along famously...we have to give them breaks from each other and limit their play as that is what they'd do all day. Last night they slept nose to nose. Ben has brought Jake back to puppyhood! Jason and I were laughing at how much he enjoys his comfort now, he's gone from a barn dog to loving sleeping on a fleecy blanket + his dog bed! We just love him.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Adorable Ben (TT03-3)

Ben means mountain in Gaelic!
What a difference a day makes! Jake and Ben were playing in the backyard tonight! Here are a couple of photos I took this morning. I gave him a hug for you and he says thanks! He's lying sleeping at my feet just now. He's mastered the dog door and lets himself in and out no problem.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Hercules (TT03-1)

His name is Hercules. We did some research and found out that Hercules created the Pyrenees mountains, so we thought that was quite fitting! And he is doing great! He sleeps all through the night and is getting better at the accidents at all today! He LOVES the snow. He is very cuddly, which we love. Our two cats are getting used to him and Hercules loves to try and play with them. We are totally in love with him...thank-you again.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Belle TT02-3

Thought you might appreciate an update on Belle.
She is a lovely dog - bright, sweet tempered and adorable!
We are fascinated at how quickly she grows - springer spaniels never
show the kind of growth spurts Belle has - she lies down for a nap
and gets up bigger. Amazing!
I have just bought her these saddlebags and she loves to wear them on
some of her walks.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Maggie TT02-2

Well I got more photos... finally haha. My life has been a little fast lately. we took Maggie to the vet on july 3rd and she was 3.5 months and she weighed 39 pounds. haha she did not want to walk in to the vets office so I had to carry her. she was heavy haha. well I must warn you some if the photos are really funny because I caught her in the middle of jumping and the middle of working up a bark. Yes she has to work herself up to it. haha is so funny!! and so cute because if you stand inside and have a screen door between you she can see you and so she gets frustrated and barks at you. I hope this makes sense lol I have to type this up quickly because my brother wants my help with some stuff so I'll be taking more pictures for you to see. P.S. Maggie is starting to lose her puppy hair and is now growing adult corse hair. haha so when you scratch her back she loves it because she is itchy. And now Maggie is a lot taller than my other dog rascal. Thanks!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Maggie TT02-2

Hey i finally got some pictures loaded on to my computer of maggie!!
I have got to say she is a little hand full some times haha.
I'm sorry one of the pictures is upside down i had my camera upside down to take the picture.
She is a little camera shy too.
The little gray dog is my 3 year old schnauzer. His name is Rascal. He didn't like maggie at first and now it is so cute to watch them play. They chase each other around the yard alot.
My father and i made a little pool for maggie to play around in when she is hot. but she still rathers to play in her water dish and pick it up and carry it around. She is such a joy to have around!!
Hope you like these pictures. I'll be sure to send more for you to look at!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Tucker (TT02-4)

"Here's some photo's of Tucker. What a fantastic guy! Everybody loves him,
and he seems to be loving his surroundings. He gets at least two long walks in the forest every day, and spends the remainder hanging with
the other dogs in our neighborhood. He particularly enjoys a 1 yr old husky/chow cross. They play until exhausted. He seems quite content to hang out in our garage when not accompanied by humans or other dogs. Thanks again for a great addition to our family!"